How is it February already? I don’t know where January went, but I can tell you it was filled with some interesting gluten-free stories. Because these news items don’t fit into my regular posts, I love to do a roundup every so often. Here’s what caught my attention recently:
“20 Surprising Foods That Contain Gluten.” I’m always grateful when a mainstream magazine like Health deals with this subject. This article by registered dietitian Johna Burdeos covers plenty of territory that gluten-intolerant people already know (everyone reading this is aware that soy sauce contains wheat, right?), and some that you may not (couscous is frequently mistaken for rice, but it’s made from wheat).
“Best Gluten-Free Meal Delivery Services of 2024.” I’m a New Yorker so I’m veryfamiliar with the concept of ordering takeout, but I have to admit that I’ve never used a meal-delivery service. For anyone who does, this article by Tori Martinet in U.S. News & World Report should be an interesting read, complete with information about pricing, plus pros and cons for each service.